Our Curriculum

At Peregrinate School we offer a full curriculum to all our students.


The school follows a curriculum that is broad and balanced. It is carefully designed to meet the social, emotional and academic needs of pupils. It provides them with opportunities to develop life skills such as cooking, and the social skills needed to participate positively in wider society, for example developing appropriate behaviours for eating in a range of restaurants. Pupils study a wide range of subjects and vocational skills which equip them with the skills needed to be able to make choices about their future education and training. It is based, where possible, on the national curriculum and allows pupils to achieve nationally accredited qualifications in a range of subjects, including English and mathematics.

See Our Many E Learning Courses Here

Health & Social Care

Dementia Awareness, Dignity & Privacy, End of Life Care, Handling Information in a Care Setting, Infection Control, Introduction for Safe Handling of Medicines, Learning Disability Awareness, Mental Capacity Act & Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, Mental Health Awareness, Nutrition & Hydration, Person Centered Care, Positive Handling in Schools, Prevent Duty, Safeguarding Children, Safeguarding Adults, Your Personal Development, Principals of Communication.

Health & Safety

Abrasive Wheels, Asbestos Awareness, Asbestos Awareness for Architects & Designers, Level 1 Food Hygiene & Safety (Manufacturing, Catering, Retail), Level 2 Food hygiene & Safety (Manufacturing, Catering, Retail), Achieving Food Hygiene Rating Level 5, Manual Handling, Basic Fire Safety Awareness, Basic Fire Safety for Care Homes, Fire Marshal, Fire Marshal for Care Homes, Fire Extinguisher, Display Screen Equipment Awareness, Assessing Display Screen Equipment, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH), Basic Legionella Management, Working at Height, Working Safely, Emergency First Aid at Work.

Business Skills

Anti Harassment & Bullying, Conflict Resolution in the Workplace, Customer Service, Data Protection in the Workplace, Disciplinary Procedures, Effective Delegation, Equality Diversity & Discrimination, Leadership Skills, Negotiation, Presentation Skills, Project Management, Digital Marketing Search Engine Optimisation for Business, Social Media for Business, Facebook for Business, Linkedin for Business, Twitter for Business, Stress Management, Time Management.