We strive for 100% Attendance and punctuality, and celebrate high attendance through rewards and trips.
The greater your child’s Attendance, the greater their Achievement ~ Success
One of the most important things you can do for your child’s future is to make sure their Attendance at school is good. By ensuring full Attendance you are helping your child to achieve the very best they can.
First Contact
Peregrinate will contact you using the pre-agreed method if your child is marked absent at registration, unless we have been notified of his/her absence in advance. Your child’s safety is our main concern and Peregrinate wants to reassure you that we are meeting the Government’s recommendation in contacting you on the first day of your child’s absence.
We already hold contact numbers. However, it is the responsibility of the parent/carer to notify the school of any changes. Initially we will look to parental responsibility only and contact the home telephone and/or your mobile phone; we may also send a text message. It would also be helpful if you could provide us with an e-mail address as it is sometimes difficult to contact parents due to work commitments. If it is difficult for the parent or carer to be contacted it is the parent or carers responsibility to ensure that Peregrinate is provided with alternative contact details.
Absence Notification:
We request parents/carers to telephone the school before 8.30 a.m. to report your child’s absence. If your child is late for morning or afternoon registers it is important that he/she reports to the attendance secretary to sign in. Failure to do this may result in your child being marked as unauthorised absent if they have just been a late arrival. Peregrinate contacting you if your child is absent is a safeguarding practice to ensure your child is safe.
You will appreciate that there is a legal requirement for the school to maintain accurate Attendance records for learners. The school is obliged by law to differentiate between authorised and unauthorised absence. A letter or telephone message from a parent does not in itself authorise an absence. Only if the school is satisfied as to the validity of the explanation offered by the letter/message will the absence be authorised. Truancy is a serious offence in itself, often preceding involvement in even more serious trouble and parents/carers are shocked if they find out their child has not been in school. It is extremely important that every child gets the maximum Attendance possible.
Absence notes will be necessary if the school has not had a reason for absence either by telephone, text or email. Please note unexplained absences are recorded as unauthorised absences. We also require a note for unavoidable lateness, for not taking part in physical education (because of illness etc.) and finally, for leaving school for any reason during school hours. If you request the need for your child to leave school during the day, your child will need to sign out.
If a learner has poor Attendance and/or has had a lot of time off due to illness, or has been absent for one week or more; we will request that a GP’s letter is provided before authorising any further absences due to illness. If no medical proof is provided the absence will remain unauthorised and the Formal Monitoring process will be considered.
Emergency Numbers:
It is essential that all pupils have at least two emergency telephone numbers and or email addresses where parents/carers can be contacted in the case of an emergency/first day response. A form will be sent to parents/carers at the beginning of the school year. Please ensure you notify the school of any changes of address or emergency telephone numbers, immediately. Your co-operation in this matter is appreciated.