Peregrinate Release Home Classroom

Peregrinate Release Home Classroom

Home Classroom


Peregrinate have been working hard during these unprecedented times to support our learners and their families during lock-down and isolation.

All our learners left us with a folder full of curriculum-based schoolwork to work on whilst at home.  This will be updated and added to when the individual learner completes their work. To support them with this we call and email them every day to ensure that they are not struggling or worrying about the work and if necessary, talk them through any area which may be causing them trouble.

During these calls we also speak to parents and carers to ensure our learners and their families are all keeping well and if they need anything. We have done shopping for some families who are self-isolating and have arranged meal vouchers for those who would normally receive free school meals.

Obviously one of our major challenges is to keep our learners engaged. We have researched literally thousands of resources for online activities and lessons which are educational, fun and interesting and have implemented our own Home Classroom. Learners just need to access our website  and click on the Home Classroom page.

Peregrinate School are now offering a range of different online, interactive activities all of which will educate whilst being fun to complete and challenging in themselves.  The Home Classroom covers:


English/Literacy               Lots of audible books, reading and writing exercises, and drawing books

Maths (still fun!)             You Tube, interactive maths explained in easy to understand formats

Sciences              Lots of interactive activities covering all sciences including becoming an astronaut

History                 Virtual tours of the World’s top museums, coral reef and the Rainforest.

Geography         Explore some of the most amazing natural wonders the Earth has to offer

Arts & Culture   Teach yourself to draw or dance. See some of the best art ever painted

Computing/IT    Learn how to touch type and the secrets of Minecraft

Movement & Exercise    Take some online fitness and Yoga classes


We have notified all Learners, Parents and Carers that these classes are available and how to find and use them. We will be updating and adding to the classes applying a continuous improvement process to ensure all learners remain engaged and entertained during the isolated learning currently happening across the world.

Our brief to Learners, Parents and Carers also asks for feedback and suggestions as to content for future home classroom activities and we have opened up a contact us option from within their activities package to encourage them to provide feedback.

Home Classroom
Home Classroom